Online Calories to kcal conversion

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Calories to kcal conversion

Calories (cal) to kilocalories (kcal), energy conversion calculator and how to convert.

Calories to kcal conversion calculator

Select calorie unit type, enter the energy in calories and press the Convert button:

Select calorie unit type:  
Result in small kilocalories: kcal

kcal to calories conversion calculator ►

Small & big energy

Small calorie (cal) is the power had to growth 1 gram of water with the aid of 1°C at a pressure of 1 atmosphere.

Large calorie (Cal) is the strength needed to boom 1 kg of water by means of 1°C at a strain of one ecosystem.

Large calorie is likewise referred to as food calorie and is used as a unit of meals power.

How to transform energy to kcal

cal to kcal - small energy to small kilocalories

1 kcal = one thousand cal

The electricity in small kilocalories (kcal) is same to the power in small energy (cal) divided with the aid of a thousand:

E(kcal) = E(cal) / 1000


Convert 6000cal to small kcal:

E(kcal) = 6000cal / a thousand = 6 kcal

Cal to kcal - large calories to small kilocalories

1 kcal = 1 Cal

The power in small kilocalories (kcal) is equal to the power in large energy (Cal):

E(kcal) = E(Cal)


Convert 6Cal to kcal:

E(kcal) = 6Cal = 6kcal

kcal to calories conversion ►

Online Energy Calculators

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