Online Percent to fraction conversion

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Percent to fraction conversion

Fraction view:
Fraction result:

Fraction to percent converter ►

How to change percent over completely to fraction

  1. Divide the percent by 100 to get decimal number.
  2. Count the quantity of digits (d) to one side of the decimal place of the decimal number.

    Example: 2.56 has 2 digits to one side of the decimal point, so d=2.

  3. Calculate the component (f) for making the decimal number an integer:

    f = 10d


    f = 102 = 100

  4. Multiply and partition the decimal number x by the element f:

    x × f/f  =  y/f


    2.56 × 100/100 = 256/100

  5. Find the best normal divisor (gcd) of the fraction.


    gcd(256,100) = 4

  6. Reduce the part by separating the numerator and denominator by the gcd value:


    256/100 = (256/4)/(100/4) = 64/25


One percent is equivalent to one hundredth:

1% = 1/100

So to switch percent over completely to division, partition the percent by 100 percent and lessen the fraction.

For model 56% is equivalent to 56/100 with gcd=4 is equivalent to 14/25:

56% = 56/100 = 14/25

Percent to part transformation table

Percent Fraction
1% 1/100
10% 1/10
11.11% 1/9
12.5% 1/8
14.29% 1/7
16.67% 1/6
20% 1/5
22.22% 2/9
25% 1/4
28.57% 2/7
30% 3/10
33.33% 1/3
37.5% 3/8
40% 2/5
42.86% 3/7
44.44% 4/9
50% 1/2
55.56% 5/9
57.14% 4/7
62.5% 5/8
66.67% 2/3
60% 3/5
70% 7/10
71.43 5/7
75% 3/4
77.78% 7/9
80% 4/5
83.33 5/6
85.71 6/7
87.5% 7/8
88.89% 8/9
90% 9/10


Fraction to percent conversion ►


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