Online Decimal to Hexadecimal converter

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Decimal to Hexadecimal converter

Hex number:
Hex signed 2's complement:
Binary number:

Hex to decimal converter ►

How to convert from decimal to hex

Conversion steps:

  1. Divide the range via sixteen.
  2. Get the integer quotient for the next generation.
  3. Get the the rest for the hex digit.
  4. Repeat the stairs until the quotient is equal to zero.

Example #1

Convert 756210 to hex:

by 16
Quotient Remainder
Digit #
7562/16 472 10 A 0
472/16 29 8 8 1
29/16 1 13 D 2
1/16 0 1 1 3

So 756210 = 1D8A16

Example #2

Convert 3563110 to hex:

by 16
Quotient Remainder
Digit #
35631/16 2226 15 F 0
2226/16 139 2 2 1
139/16 8 11 B 2
8/16 0 8 8 3

So 3563110 = 8B2F16

Decimal to hex conversion table


base 10


base 16

0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 A
11 B
12 C
13 D
14 E
15 F
16 10
17 11
18 12
19 13
20 14
21 15
22 16
23 17
24 18
25 19
26 1A
27 1B
28 1C
29 1D
30 1E
40 28
50 32
60 3C
70 46
80 50
90 5A
100 64
200 C8
1000 3E8
2000 7D0


Hex to decimal converter ►

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