Online Roman numerals date converter
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Roman numerals date converter
Dates in roman numerals conversion calculator.
Roman numerals table
Roman numeral | Decimal number |
I | 1 |
V | 5 |
X | 10 |
L | 50 |
C | 100 |
D | 500 |
M | 1000 |
Years in roman numerals
Year | Roman numeral |
1000 | M |
1100 | MC |
1200 | MCC |
1300 | MCCC |
1400 | MCD |
1500 | MD |
1600 | MDC |
1700 | MDCC |
1800 | MDCCC |
1900 | MCM |
1990 | MCMXC |
1991 | MCMXCI |
1992 | MCMXCII |
1993 | MCMXCIII |
1994 | MCMXCIV |
1995 | MCMXCV |
1996 | MCMXCVI |
1997 | MCMXCVII |
1998 | MCMXCVIII |
1999 | MCMXCIX |
2000 | MM |
2001 | MMI |
2002 | MMII |
2003 | MMIII |
2004 | MMIV |
2005 | MMV |
2006 | MMVI |
2007 | MMVII |
2008 | MMVIII |
2009 | MMIX |
2010 | MMX |
2011 | MMXI |
2012 | MMXII |
2013 | MMXIII |
2014 | MMXIV |
2015 | MMXV |
2016 | MMXVI |
2017 | MMXVII |
2018 | MMXVIII |
2019 | MMXIX |
2020 | MMXX |
2021 | MMXXI |
2022 | MMXXII |
2023 | MMXXIII |
2024 | MMXXIV |
2025 | MMXXV |
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Number Calculators
1. Decimal to Fraction
This calculator converts a decimal number to a fraction or a decimal number to a mixed number. For repeating decimals enter how many decimal places in your decimal number repeat.
How to Convert a Decimal to a Fraction
1. Make a fraction with the decimal number as the numerator (top number) and a 1 as the denominator (bottom number).
2. Remove the decimal places by multiplication. First, count how many places are to the right of the decimal. Next, given that you have x decimal places, multiply numerator and denominator by 10x.
3. Reduce the fraction. Find the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of the numerator and denominator and divide both numerator and denominator by the GCF.
4. Simplify the remaining fraction to a mixed number fraction if possible.
Convert 0.32 to fraction:
0.32 = 32/100
Find the greatest common divisor (gcd) of the numerator and the denominator:
gcd(32,100) = 4
Reduce the fraction by dividing the numerator and the denominator with the gcd:
0.32 = (32/4) / (100/4) = 8/25
Convert a Repeating Decimal to a Fraction
1. Create an equation such that x equals the decimal number.
2. Count the number of decimal places, y. Create a second equation multiplying both sides of the first equation by 10y.
3. Subtract the second equation from the first equation.
4. Solve for x
5. Reduce the fraction.
Convert 0.333333... to fraction:
x = 0.333333...
10x = 3.333333...
10x - x = 9x = 3
x = 3/9 = 1/3
2. Fraction to Decimal
The line in a fraction that separates the numerator and denominator can be rewritten using the division symbol. So, to convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. If required, you can use a calculator to do this. This will give us our answer as a decimal.
- In fractions, the numerator is the number above the line and the denominator is the number below.
- The line in a fraction that separates the numerator and the denominator represents division.
- To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator.
How to convert fractions to decimals
A fraction is made up of two parts: a numerator and a denominator. It is used to represent how many parts we have out of the total number of parts.
The line in a fraction that separates the numerator and denominator can be rewritten using the division symbol.
So, to convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. If required, you can use a calculator to do this. This will give us our answer as a decimal.
This conversion calculator shows the steps and work to convert a fraction to a decimal number. In fractions, the numerator is the number above the line and the denominator is the number below.
The line in a fraction that separates the numerator and the denominator represents division.To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator.
How to convert fractions to decimals
A fraction is made up of two parts: a numerator and a denominator. It is used to represent how many parts we have out of the total number of parts.
The line in a fraction that separates the numerator and denominator can be rewritten using the division symbol.
So, to convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. If required, you can use a calculator to do this. This will give us our answer as a decimal.
⁴/₅ as a decimal is 4 ÷ 5 = 0.8
⁷⁵/₁₀₀ as a decimal is 75 ÷100 = 0.75
³/₆ as a decimal is 3 ÷ 6 = 0.5
3. PPM to Percent
The PPM to Percent Converter is used to convert ppm (parts-per-million) to percentage.Enter a number in ppm and press the Convert button.
What is PPM?
PPM, or parts-per-million, is a way of expressing very dilute concentrations of substances. One part per million (ppm) denotes one part per 1,000,000 parts, one part in 106, and a value of 1 × 10−6.
PPM to Percent Conversion Formula
To convert from ppm to percent, use the following conversion equation:
1ppm = 0.0001%
How to convert ppm to percent
1% = 1/100
1ppm = 1/1000000
1ppm = 0.0001%
So to convert from ppm to percent, divide the ppm by 10000:
x(%) = x(ppm) / 10000
Find how many percent are in 300ppm.
x(%) = 300ppm / 10000 = 0.03%
4. Percent to PPM
The Percent to PPM Converter is used to convert percent to ppm (parts-per-million).PPM is used in the measurement of a small level of pollutants such as air, water, body fluids, etc. Use Percent to PPM conversion calculator to convert values from molecular weight percent to parts per million. Enter the weight percentage (%) in weight to PPM converter to know the equivalent ppm.
What is PPM?
PPM, or parts-per-million, is a way of expressing very dilute concentrations of substances. One part per million (ppm) denotes one part per 1,000,000 parts, one part in 106, and a value of 1 × 10−6.
Percent to PPM Conversion Formula
To convert from percent to ppm, use the following conversion equation:
1% = 10000ppm
How to convert percent to ppm
1% = 10000ppm
x(ppm) = 10000 ⋅ x(%)
Find how many ppm are in 1.7%.
x(ppm) = 10000 ⋅ 1.7% = 17000ppm
5. ASCII text to Hex
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is one of the most common character encoding standards. Originally developed from telegraphic codes, ASCII is now widely used in electronic communication for conveying text. The most common way to convert ASCII text to hexadecimal numbers manually is to first look up the decimal number for the letter in the ASCII table. Then, convert this decimal value to its hexadecimal equivalent.
How to Convert Text to Hex
Convert text to hex ASCII code:
1. Get character
2. Get decimal code of character from ASCII table
3. Convert decimal to hex byte
4. Continue with next character
hello = (68 65 6C 6C 6F)16
Lower case h is given the decimal number 104 in the ASCII table.
(104)10 = (68)16
104 ÷ 16 = 6.5 (Remainder 8)
6 ÷ 16 = 0.375 (Remainder 6)
e is 101, thus
(101)10 = (65)16
101 ÷ 16 = 6.3125 (Remainder 5)
6 ÷ 16 = 0.375 (Remainder 6)
l is 108, thus
(108)10 = (6C)16
108 ÷ 16 = 6.75 (Remainder 12, C in hex)
6 ÷ 16 = 0.375 (Remainder 6)
o is 111, thus
(111)10 = (6F)16
111 ÷ 16 = 6.9375 (Remainder 15, F in hex)
6 ÷ 16 = 0.375 (Remainder 6)
Therefore, hello = (68 65 6C 6C 6F)16
6. Base converter
This simple tool allows you to convert a same number between its representations under different number systems.There are many methods or techniques which can be used to convert numbers from one base to another.
For example, the number pi is equal to 3.14159... in a decimal system (base 10), or to 3.243F6... in a hexadecimal system (base 16), or to 11.001001... in a binary system (base 2).
7. Binary to Text Translator
ASCII text encoding uses fixed 1 byte for each character. UTF-8 text encoding uses variable number of bytes for each character. This requires delimiter between each binary number.
How to Convert Binary to Text
Convert binary ASCII code to text:
1. Get binary byte
2. Convert binary byte to decimal
3. Get character of ASCII code from ASCII table
4. Continue with next byte
Convert "01010000 01101100 01100001 01101110 01110100 00100000 01110100 01110010 01100101 01100101 01110011" binary ASCII code to text:
Use ASCII table to get character from ASCII code.
010100002 = 26+24 = 64+16 = 80 => "P"
011011002 = 26+25+23+22 = 64+32+8+4 = 108 => "l"
011000012 = 26+25+20 = 64+32+1 = 97 => "a" on.
For all the binary bytes you should get the text:
"Plant trees"
8. Binary to Decimal
The binary numeral system uses the number 2 as its base (radix). As a base-2 numeral system, it consists of only two numbers: 0 and 1.
How to convert binary to decimal
For binary number with n digits:
dn-1 ... d3 d2 d1 d0
The decimal number is equal to the sum of binary digits (dn) times their power of 2 (2n):
decimal = d0×20 + d1×21 + d2×22 + ...
Convert binary to decimal Using Positions
1. Write down the binary number.
2. Starting with the least significant digit (LSB - the rightmost one), multiply the digit by the value of the position. Continue doing this until you reach the most significant digit (MSB - the leftmost one).
3. Add the results and you will get the decimal equivalent of the given binary number.
Find the decimal value of 1110012:
1110012 = 1⋅25 + 1⋅24 + 1⋅23 + 0⋅22 + 0⋅21 + 1⋅20 = 5710
9. Binary to Hex
Binary is the simplest kind of number system that uses only two digits of 0 and 1 (i.e. value of base 2). Since digital electronics have only these two states (either 0 or 1), so binary number is most preferred in modern computer engineer, networking and communication specialists, and other professionals.
Whereas Hexadecimal number is one of the number systems which has value is 16 and it has only 16 symbols − 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and A, B, C, D, E, F. Where A, B, C, D, E and F are single bit representations of decimal value 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 respectively.
How to convert binary to hex
Conversion from Binary to Hexadecimal number system
Hexadecimal number system provides convenient way of converting large binary numbers into more compact and smaller groups. There are various ways to convert a binary number into hexadecimal number. You can convert using direct methods or indirect methods. First, you need to convert a binary into other base system (e.g., into decimal, or into octal). Then you need to convert it hexadecimal number.
Since number numbers are type of positional number system. That means weight of the positions from right to left are as 160, 161, 162, 163and so on. for the integer part and weight of the positions from left to right are as 16-1, 16-2, 16-3and so on. for the fractional part.
Convert binary number 1101010 into hexadecimal number.
.First convert this into decimal number:
= (1101010)2
= 1x26+1x25+0x24+1x23+0x22+1x21+0x20
= 64+32+0+8+0+2+0
= (106)10
Then, convert it into hexadecimal number
= (106)10
= 6x161+10x160
= (6A)16 which is answer.
conversion from Binary to hexadecimal using grouping
Convert every 4 binary digits (start from bit 0) to 1 hex digit, with this table:
Binary | Hex |
0000 | 0 |
0001 | 1 |
0010 | 2 |
0011 | 3 |
0100 | 4 |
0101 | 5 |
0110 | 6 |
0111 | 7 |
1000 | 8 |
1001 | 9 |
1010 | A |
1011 | B |
1100 | C |
1101 | D |
1110 | E |
1111 | F |
Convert binary 11011002 to hex:
11011002 = 110 1100 = 6 C = 6C16
10. Roman numerals date
This calculator is helpful if you are designing jewelry or a tattoo with Roman numerals. You can enter number dates and translate the date into Roman numerals. A Roman numeral tattoo might also have dots, periods or dashes separating the month, day and year. Some Roman numeral tattoos have both an underline and overline connecting the string of characters.Roman Numeral Chart is shown below:
Roman Numeral | Arabic Number |
I | 1 |
V | 5 |
X | 10 |
L | 50 |
C | 100 |
D | 500 |
M | 1000 |
Note that the highest year you can convert is 3999. That's because the number 4000 cannot be represented with typical Roman numeral characters.
How to convert number to roman numerals
How to convert decimal number to roman numerals.
Decimal number to roman numerals conversion
For decimal number x:
1. From the following table, find the highest decimal value v that is less than or equal to the decimal number x
and its corresponding roman numeral n:
2. Write the roman numeral n that you found and subtract its value v from x:
x = x - v
3. Repeat stages 1 and 2 until you get zero result of x.
x = 2012
Iteration # | Decimal number (x) | Highest decimal value(v) | Highest roman numeral (n) | Temporary result |
1 | 2012 | 1000 | M | M |
2 | 1012 | 1000 | M | MM |
3 | 12 | 10 | X | MMX |
4 | 2 | 1 | I | MMXI |
5 | 1 | 1 | I | MMXII |
Answer of 2012 is MMXII
11. Decimal to Hexadecimal
The decimal numeral system is the most commonly used and the standard system in daily life. It uses the number 10 as its base (radix). Therefore, it has 10 symbols: The numbers from 0 to 9; namely 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.The hexadecimal system (shortly hex), uses the number 16 as its base (radix). As a base-16 numeral system, it uses 16 symbols. These are the 10 decimal digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and the first six letters of the English alphabet (A, B, C, D, E, F). The letters are used because of the need to represent the values 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 each in one single symbol.
How to convert from decimal to hex
Conversion steps:
1. Divide the number by 16.
2. Get the integer quotient for the next iteration.
3. Get the remainder for the hex digit.
4. Repeat the steps until the quotient is equal to 0.
Convert (7562)10 to hex:
Division by 16 | Quotient (integer) | Remainder | Remainder(hex) | Digit # |
7562/16 | 472 | 10 | A | 0 |
472/16 | 29 | 8 | 8 | 1 |
29/16 | 1 | 13 | D | 2 |
1/16 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
So (7562)10 = (1D8A)16
12. Decimal to Octal
A number with base 8 is the octal number and a number with base 10 is the decimal number. Here we will convert a decimal number to an equivalent octal number. It is same as converting any decimal number to binary or decimal to hexadecimal.
In decimal to binary, we divide the number by 2, in decimal to hexadecimal we divide the number by 16. In case of decimal to octal, we divide the number by 8 and write the remainders in the reverse order to get the equivalent octal number.
How to convert from Decimal to Octal
Follow the steps given below to learn the decimal to octal conversion:
1. Write the given decimal number.
2. If the given decimal number is less than 8 the octal number is the same.
3. If the decimal number is greater than 7 then divide the number by 8.
4. Note the remainder, we get after division
5. Repeat step 3 and 4 with the quotient till it is less than 8
Now, write the remainders in reverse order (bottom to top)
The resultant is the equivalent octal number to the given decimal number.
Convert (127)10 to Octal.
Solution: Divide 127 by 8
127 ÷ 8= 15(Quotient) and (7)Remainder
Divide 15 by 8 again.
15 ÷ 8 = 1(Quotient) and (7) Remainder
Divide 1 by 8, we get;
1 ÷ 8 = 0(Quotient) and (1) Remainder
Since the quotient is zero now, no more division can be done. So by taking the remainders in reverse order, we get the equivalent octal number.
Hence, (127)10 = (177)8
13. Decimal to Percent
The decimal to percent converter change (turn) a decimal value into a percentage. As it calculates in both directions, it can also serve as a percent to decimal converter.
Percent means "out of a hundred" (from Latin) and represents a ratio or number as a fraction of 100. We denote it with the percent sign "%":
1% = 1/100
For example, 15% is equal to 15/100 and means "fifteen out of a hundred".
Formula to convert decimal to percent
1 = 100%
The value V% in percent (%) is equal to the decimal value Vd times 100%:
V% = Vd × 100%
How to Convert a Decimal to Percent:
Multiply by 100 to convert a number from decimal to percent then add a percent sign %.
1. Converting from a decimal to a percentage is done by multiplying the decimal value by 100 and adding %.
2. Example: 0.10 becomes 0.10 x 100 = 10%
3. Example: 0.675 becomes 0.675 x 100 = 67.5%
4. The shortcut to convert from decimal to percent is to move the decimal point 2 places to the right and add a percent sign.
0.01 = 0.01 × 100% = 1%
0.05 = 0.05 × 100% = 5%
0.3 = 0.3 × 100% = 30%
0.35 = 0.35 × 100% = 35%
3.5 = 3.5 × 100% = 350%
14. Hex to ASCII text
The hexadecimal system (shortly hex), uses the number 16 as its base (radix). As a base-16 numeral system, it uses 16 symbols. These are the 10 decimal digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and the first six letters of the English alphabet (A, B, C, D, E, F). The letters are used because of the need to represent the values 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 each in one single symbol.
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is one of the most common character encoding standards. Originally developed from telegraphic codes, ASCII is now widely used in electronic communication for conveying text.
How to Convert Hex to Text
Follow these steps to convert hex ASCII code to text:
1. Get hex byte
2. Convert hex byte to decimal
3. Get character of ASCII code from ASCII table
4. Continue with next byte
To understand the conversion let us look at the example. Let us convert the Hexadecimal number ‘52696368’ into ASCII.
Step1: make pairs starting from the right-hand side. If there is an extra digit, add zero at the left-hand side to complete the pair.
= 52 | 69 | 63 | 68.
Step2: Refer to the ASCII code table to get the character equivalent to the hexadecimal pair.
From the table, 52 = R, 69 = i, 63 = c, 68 = h
Thus the ASCII representation of the given hexadeciamal number is ‘Rich’.
15. Hexadecimal to Decimal
The decimal numeral system is the most commonly used and the standard system in daily life. It uses the number 10 as its base (radix). Therefore, it has 10 symbols: The numbers from 0 to 9; namely 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
A regular decimal number is the sum of the digits multiplied with power of 10.
137 in base 10 is equal to each digit multiplied with its corresponding power of 10:
13710 = 1×102+3×101+7×100 = 100+30+7
The hexadecimal system (shortly hex), uses the number 16 as its base (radix). As a base-16 numeral system, it uses 16 symbols. These are the 10 decimal digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and the first six letters of the English alphabet (A, B, C, D, E, F). The letters are used because of the need to represent the values 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 each in one single symbol.
Hex numbers are read the same way, but each digit counts power of 16 instead of power of 10.
For hex number with n digits:
dn-1 ... d3 d2 d1 d0
Multiply each digit of the hex number with its corresponding power of 16 and sum:
decimal = dn-1×16n-1 + ... + d3×163 + d2×162 + d1×161+d0×160
How to Calculate Hexadecimal to Decimal
Hex is a base 16 number and decimal is a base 10 number. We need to know the decimal equivalent of every hex number digit. See below of the page to check the hex to decimal chart.
Here are the steps to convert hex to decimal:
1. Get the decimal equivalent of hex from table.
2. Multiply every digit with 16 power of digit location.
(zero based, 7DE: E location is 0, D location is 1 and the 7 location is 2)
3. Sum all the multipliers.
E7A9 in base 16 is equal to each digit multiplied with its corresponding 16n:
E7A916 = 14×163+7×162+10×161+9×160 = 57344+1792+160+9 = 5930510
16. Octal to Decimal
The octal number system (or shortly oct) uses the number 8 as its base (radix). As a base-8 numeral system, it uses eight symbols: The numbers from 0 to 7, namely 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Although it was used by some native American tribes until the 20th century, the octal system has become popular in the early ages of computing as a language of computer programming. This is because the octal system shortens binary by simplifying long and complex chains of binary displays used by computers.
The decimal numeral system is the most commonly used and the standard system in daily life. It uses the number 10 as its base (radix). Therefore, it has 10 symbols: The numbers from 0 to 9; namely 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
How to Calculate Octal to Decimal
An octal number can be converted to a decimal number by following simple rules. Here are two ways to convert octal to decimal step by step. The first is a more conventional method whereas the second one applies the repeated division and remainder algorithm technique in reverse.
1. Find out the number of digits in the number.
2. Let the number have n digits.
3. Think of the digits nth position from the right to the left as the position. This means you are showing the position of each digit as an increasing power of 8.
4. Multiply each digit with 8n-1, n being the position.
5. Add all the individual results from this multiplication process.
6. The result will be the decimal equivalent of the given octal number.
7014 in base 8 is equal to each digit multiplied with its corresponding power of 8:
70148 = 7×83+0×82+1×81+4×80= 3584+0+8+4 = 359610all
17. PPB to PPM
PPM stands for parts of gas per million parts of air, and PPB is parts per billion. If that's not easy to imagine, try these examples:
Part per million (ppm):
1 second in just under 2 weeks.
1 litre of water in a swimming pool.
Part per billion (ppb):
1 second in 32 years.
1 ml of water in a swimming pool (that's about the size of a sugar cube).
ppb to ppm conversion table
ppm | ppb |
0.001 | 1 |
0.01 | 10 |
0.1 | 100 |
1 | 1000 |
10 | 10000 |
100 | 100000 |
1000 | 1000000 |
10000 | 10000000 |
How to convert ppb to ppm?
ppm and ppb are defined as:
1ppm = 1/106 = 10-6
1ppb = 1/109 = 10-9
1ppm = 1000ppb
The number of parts-per million xppm is equal to the number of parts-per billion xppb divided by 1000:
xppm = xppb / 1000
7000ppb is equal to 7ppm:
xppm = 7000ppb / 1000 = 7ppm
18. PPM Converter
It is a simple tool that can be used for conversion from PPM to units such as percents or parts per billion (PPB).
How to calculate PPM
All of the proportion metrics are quite similar: they describe small values of dimensionless quantities, such as the volumetric proportion of NO₂ in the air. For example, PPM means "parts per million". If you find out that the concentration of NO₂ is equal to 1 ppm, it means that if you take a 'sample' of air and divide it into a million parts, one of them will consist of NO₂.
The proportion metrics are as follows:
Percentage: equal to 1 per 100
Permille: equal to 1 per 1,000
PPM: equal to 1 per 1,000,000
PPB: equal to 1 per 1,000,000,000
PPT: equal to 1 per 1,000,000,000,000
PPM conversion: an example
Let's take the following example: you have created a solution of salt (NaCl) in water. You used 0.005 grams of salt, and the final mass of the solution is equal to 1 kilogram. How many parts per million (PPM) of salt are in the solution?
1. Start with expressing the solution concentration as a decimal. There are 0.005 grams of salt in 1 kilogram (1000 grams). It means that the decimal is equal to
0.005 / 1000 = 0.000005
2. To find the percentage, multiply this value by a hundred:
0.000005 * 100 % = 0.0005
3. To find the permille value, multiply the decimal by a thousand:
0.000005 * 1,000 ‰ = 0.005
4. For the PPM, multiply the decimal by a million:
0.000005 * 1,000,000 PPM = 5 PPM
5. Finally, for the PPB, multiply the decimal by a billion:
0.000005 * 1,000,000,000 PPB = 5 PPB
19. PPM to PPB
PPM stands for parts of gas per million parts of air, and PPB is parts per billion. If that's not easy to imagine, try these examples:
Part per million (ppm):
1 second in just under 2 weeks.
1 litre of water in a swimming pool.
Part per billion (ppb):
1 second in 32 years.
1 ml of water in a swimming pool (that's about the size of a sugar cube).
ppm to ppb conversion table
ppm | ppb |
0.001 | 1 |
0.01 | 10 |
0.1 | 100 |
1 | 1000 |
10 | 10000 |
100 | 100000 |
1000 | 1000000 |
10000 | 10000000 |
How to convert ppm to ppb
ppm and ppb are defined as:
1ppm = 1/106 = 10-6
1ppb = 1/109 = 10-9
1ppm = 1000ppb
The number of parts-per billion xppb is equal to the number of parts-per million xppm multiplied by 1000:
xppb = xppm ⋅ 1000
7ppm is equal to 7000ppb:
xppb = 7ppm ⋅ 1000 = 7000ppb
20. PPM to PPT
This is a conversion calculator that is used to convert the numbers in parts-per millions (PPM) to parts-per-trillion (PPT). The first procedure when using the calculator is to enter the value to be converted in parts-per-million in the blank text field. Press the ‘Convert button to initiate the conversion from PPM to PPT. The conversion result is displayed below the control buttons in parts-per-trillion. Use the ‘Reset’ button when carrying out new conversions. It erases all data of the previous conversions from the calculator with a single click.
ppm to ppt conversion table
ppm | ppt |
0.000001 | 1 |
0.00001 | 10 |
0.0001 | 100 |
0.001 | 1000 |
0.01 | 10000 |
0.1 | 100000 |
1 | 106 |
10 | 107 |
100 | 108 |
1000 | 109 |
10000 | 1010 |
How to convert ppm to ppt
ppm and ppt are defined as:
1ppm = 1/106 = 10-6
1ppt = 1/1012 = 10-12
1ppm = 106ppt
The number of parts-per trillion xppt is equal to the number of parts-per million xppm multiplied by 106:
xppt = xppm ⋅ 106
7ppm is equal to 7000ppb:
xppt = 7ppm ⋅ 106 = 7000000ppt
21. Percent to Decimal
This calculator divides by 100 to convert percents to decimal values.Input the percent value that you would like to convert to a decimal.
How to Convert a Percent to a Decimal
Divide a percent by 100 and remove the percent sign to convert from a percent to a decimal.
10% becomes 10/100 = 0.10
67.5% becomes 67.5/100 = 0.675
The shortcut way to convert from a percentage to a decimal is by removing the percent sign and moving the decimal point 2 places to the left.
In order to convert percent to decimal number, the percentage should be divided by 100:
1% = 1 / 100 = 0.01
5% = 5/100 = 0.05
10% = 10/100 = 0.1
35% = 35/100 = 0.35
50% = 50/100 = 0.5
100% = 100/100 = 1
230% = 230/100 = 2.3
22. Percent to Fraction
Percent and fractions are usually used in our daily life to relate and compare quantity. For example, we use percentage or percent to rank in class, comparing marks and performance. In simple words, the percent is a way of expressing a fraction of 100 by number.This online calculator converts a percent to a fraction. If the percent value is greater than 100% it is converted into a mixed number fraction. Enter percents to convert them into fractions. The number you enter can also have decimal places as in 3.5% or 0.625%.
To convert a percent to a fraction you first convert the percent to a decimal then use the same procedure as converting a decimal to fraction.
How to Convert a Percent to Fraction
1. Divide the percentage by 100 to get a decimal number.
2. Use that number as the numerator (top) of a fraction. Put a 1 in the denominator (bottom) of the fraction.
3. Convert the decimal to a whole number: Count how many places are to the right of the decimal. If you have x decimal places then multiply numerator and denominator by 10x.
4. Reduce the fraction: Find the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of the numerator and denominator and reduce the fraction by dividing both numerator and denominator by the GCF.
5. Simplify the remaining fraction to a mixed number fraction if possible.
One percent is equal to one hundredth:
1% = 1/100
So in order to convert percent to fraction, divide the percent by 100% and reduce the fraction.
For example 56% is equal to 56/100 with gcd=4 is equal to 14/25:
56% = 56/100 = 14/25
23. PPT to PPM
This is a conversion calculator that is used to convert the numbers in parts-per trillions (PPT) to parts-per-million (PPM). The first procedure when using the calculator is to enter the value to be converted in parts-per-trillion in the blank text field. Press the ‘Convert button to initiate the conversion from PPT to PPM. The conversion result is displayed below the control buttons in parts-per-million. The ‘Reset’ button is used when carrying out new calculations. It erases all data of the previous conversions from the calculator with a single click.
ppt to ppm conversion table
ppt | ppm |
1 | 0.000001 |
10 | 0.00001 |
100 | 0.0001 |
1000 | 0.001 |
10000 | 0.01 |
100000 | 0.1 |
106 | 1 |
107 | 10 |
108 | 100 |
109 | 1000 |
1010 | 10000 |
How to convert ppt to ppm
ppm and ppt are defined as:
1ppm = 1/106 = 10-6
1ppt = 1/1012 = 10-12
1ppm = 106ppt
The number of parts-per million xppm
is equal to the number of parts-per trillion xppt divided by 106:xppm = xppt / 106
7000ppt is equal to 0.007000ppm:
xppt = 7000ppt / 106 = 0.007ppm
24. Radians and Degrees
Radians and degrees are both units used for measuring angles. As you may know, a circle is comprised of 2π radians, which is the equivalent of 360°; both of these values represent going "once around" a circle. Therefore, 1π radian represents going 180° around a circle, which makes 180/π the perfect conversion tool for moving from radians to degrees. To convert from radians to degrees, you simply have to multiply the radian value by 180/π.
How to convert radians to degrees
Pi radians are equal to 180 degrees:
π rad = 180°
One radian is equal 57.295779513 degrees:
1 rad = 180°/π = 57.295779513°
The angle α in degrees is equal to the angle α in radians times 180 degrees divided by pi constant:
α(degrees) = α(radians) × 180° / π
degrees = radians × 180° / π
Convert 2 radians angle to degrees:
α(degrees) = α(radians) × 180° / π = 2 × 180° / 3.14159 = 114.592°
25. Scientific Notation
The scientific notation calculator will take any decimal value and convert it to scientific notation.Scientific notation is generally used with very large or very small numbers in applications such as physics, engineering and chemistry. It condenses the numbers into the form into a number multiplied by 10 raised to an exponent, denoted as a * 10ⁿ.
How to Convert a Number to Scientific Notation
.The proper format for scientific notation is a x 10^b where a is a number or decimal number such that the absolute value of a is greater than or equal to one and less than ten or, 1 ≤ |a| < 10. b is the power of 10 required so that the scientific notation is mathematically equivalent to the original number.
1. Move the decimal point in your number until there is only one non-zero digit to the left of the decimal point. The resulting decimal number is a.
2. Count how many places you moved the decimal point. This number is b.
3. If you moved the decimal to the left b is positive.
If you moved the decimal to the right b is negative.
If you did not need to move the decimal b = 0.
4. Write your scientific notation number as a x 10^b and read it as "a times 10 to the power of b."
5. Remove trailing 0's only if they were originally to the left of the decimal point.
Convert 357,096 to Scientific Notation
1. Move the decimal 5 places to the left to get 3.57096
a = 3.57096
2. We moved the decimal to the left so b is positive
b = 5
3. The number 357,096 converted to scientific notation is 3.57096 x 10^5
26. Hex to Binary converter
The hexadecimal system (shortly hex), uses the number 16 as its base (radix). As a base-16 numeral system, it uses 16 symbols. These are the 10 decimal digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and the first six letters of the English alphabet (A, B, C, D, E, F). The letters are used because of the need to represent the values 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 each in one single symbol.
The binary numeral system uses the number 2 as its base (radix). As a base-2 numeral system, it consists of only two numbers: 0 and 1.
How to convert hex to binary
nConvert every hex digit (start lowest digit) to 4 binary digits, with this table:
Binary | Hex |
0000 | 0 |
0001 | 1 |
0010 | 2 |
0011 | 3 |
0100 | 4 |
0101 | 5 |
0110 | 6 |
0111 | 7 |
1000 | 8 |
1001 | 9 |
1010 | A |
1011 | B |
1100 | C |
1101 | D |
1110 | E |
1111 | F |
Convert hex 7C16
to binary:7C16
= 7 C = 111 1100 = 1111100227. Fraction to Percent
Percent and fractions are usually used in our daily life to relate and compare quantity. For example, we use percentage or percent to rank in class, comparing marks and performance. In simple words, the percent is a way of expressing a fraction of 100 by number.This online calculator converts a percent to a fraction. If the percent value is greater than 100% it is converted into a mixed number fraction. Enter percents to convert them into fractions. The number you enter can also have decimal places as in 3.5% or 0.625%.
Fraction to percentage method
The method to change a fraction to a percent is as follows:
1. Divide the numerator by denominator.
2. Take the result and multiply by 100.
3. The result is the fraction as a percent.
And thats it! While this is fairly straight forward for simple fractions, like 1/2, which can be done by hand and checked using this fraction to percent calculator, more complex fractions can be converted conveniently by this calculator.
Fraction to percentage formula
"Well thats all well and good, Mr Word Problem", we hear you say, "but what about the fraction to percent formula? Don't you think that would be a bit more useful?" Well, since you feel so strongly about the topic, here it is for you:
n/d * 100 = p
where, n is the numerator, d is the denominator, and p is the percentage (as a percentage!).
In most cases when working with fractions, we want to simplify the fraction. When using the convert fraction to percent calculator, simplification is not necessary.
Two Steps to Convert a Fraction to a Percent
Use division to convert the fraction to a decimal:
1/4 = 1 ÷ 4 = 0.25
Multiply by 100 to get percent value:
0.25 × 100 = 25%
28. Text to Binary translator
Text to Binary Converter is easy to use tool to convert Text data to Binary number. Copy, Paste and Convert.
ASCII text encoding uses fixed 1 byte for each character. UTF-8 text encoding uses variable number of bytes for each character. This requires delimiter between each binary number.
How to Convert Text to Binary.
Convert text to binary ASCII code:
1. Get character
2. Get decimal code of character from ASCII table
3. Convert decimal to binary byte
4. Continue with next character
Convert "Plant trees" text to binary ASCII code:
Use ASCII table to get ASCII code from character.
"P" => 80 = 26+24 = 010100002
"l" => 108 = 26+25+23+22 = 011011002
"a" => 97 = 26+25+20 = 011000012
So on
For all the text characters you should get the binary bytes:
."01010000 01101100 01100001 01101110 01110100 00100000 01110100 01110010 01100101 01100101 01110011"
29. Degrees to Radians
In geometry, both degree and radian represent the measure of an angle. One complete anticlockwise revolution can be represented by 2π (in radians) or 360° (in degrees). Therefore, degree and radian can be equated as:
2π = 360°
π = 180°
Hence, from the above equation, we can say, 180 degrees is equal to π radian.
Usually, in general geometry, we consider the measure of the angle in degrees (°). Radian is commonly considered while measuring the angles of trigonometric functions or periodic functions. Radians is always represented in terms of pi, where the value of pi is equal to 22/7 or 3.14.
A degree has its sub-parts also, stated as minutes and seconds. This conversion is the major part of Trigonometry applications.
Degree x π/180 = Radian
Radians × 180/π = Degrees
How to Convert Degrees to Radians?
The value of 180° is equal to π radians. To convert any given angle from the measure of degrees to radians, the value has to be multiplied by π/180.
Angle in radian = Angle in degree x (π/180)
Where the value of π = 22/7 or 3.14
Convert 90 degrees to radians.
Solution: Given, 90 degrees is the angle
Angle in radian = Angle in degree x (π/180)
= 90 x (π/180)
= π/2
Hence, 90 degrees is equal to π/2 in radian.
30. ASCII,Hex,Binary Decimal
ASCII text to hex conversion table
ASCII Character | Hexadecimal | Binary | Decimal |
NUL | 00 | 00000000 | 0 |
SOH | 01 | 00000001 | 1 |
STX | 02 | 00000010 | 2 |
ETX | 03 | 00000011 | 3 |
EOT | 04 | 00000100 | 4 |
ENQ | 05 | 00000101 | 5 |
ACK | 06 | 00000110 | 6 |
BEL | 07 | 00000111 | 7 |
BS | 08 | 00001000 | 8 |
HT | 09 | 00001001 | 9 |
LF | 0A | 00001010 | 10 |
VT | 0B | 00001011 | 11 |
FF | 0C | 00001100 | 12 |
CR | 0D | 00001101 | 13 |
SO | 0E | 00001110 | 14 |
SI | 0F | 00001111 | 15 |
DLE | 10 | 00010000 | 16 |
DC1 | 11 | 00010001 | 17 |
DC2 | 12 | 00010010 | 18 |
DC3 | 13 | 00010011 | 19 |
DC4 | 14 | 00010100 | 20 |
NAK | 15 | 00010101 | 21 |
SYN | 16 | 00010110 | 22 |
ETB | 17 | 00010111 | 23 |
CAN | 18 | 00011000 | 24 |
EM | 19 | 00011001 | 25 |
SUB | 1A | 00011010 | 26 |
ESC | 1B | 00011011 | 27 |
FS | 1C | 00011100 | 28 |
GS | 1D | 00011101 | 29 |
RS | 1E | 00011110 | 30 |
US | 1F | 00011111 | 31 |
Space | 20 | 00100000 | 32 |
! | 21 | 00100001 | 33 |
" | 22 | 00100010 | 34 |
# | 23 | 00100011 | 35 |
$ | 24 | 00100100 | 36 |
% | 25 | 00100101 | 37 |
& | 26 | 00100110 | 38 |
' | 27 | 00100111 | 39 |
( | 28 | 00101000 | 40 |
) | 29 | 00101001 | 41 |
* | 2A | 00101010 | 42 |
+ | 2B | 00101011 | 43 |
, | 2C | 00101100 | 44 |
- | 2D | 00101101 | 45 |
. | 2E | 00101110 | 46 |
/ | 2F | 00101111 | 47 |
0 | 30 | 00110000 | 48 |
1 | 31 | 00110001 | 49 |
2 | 32 | 00110010 | 50 |
3 | 33 | 00110011 | 51 |
4 | 34 | 00110100 | 52 |
5 | 35 | 00110101 | 53 |
6 | 36 | 00110110 | 54 |
7 | 37 | 00110111 | 55 |
8 | 38 | 00111000 | 56 |
9 | 39 | 00111001 | 57 |
: | 3A | 00111010 | 58 |
; | 3B | 00111011 | 59 |
< | 3C | 00111100 | 60 |
= | 3D | 00111101 | 61 |
> | 3E | 00111110 | 62 |
? | 3F | 00111111 | 63 |
@ | 40 | 01000000 | 64 |
A | 41 | 01000001 | 65 |
B | 42 | 01000010 | 66 |
C | 43 | 01000011 | 67 |
D | 44 | 01000100 | 68 |
E | 45 | 01000101 | 69 |
F | 46 | 01000110 | 70 |
G | 47 | 01000111 | 71 |
H | 48 | 01001000 | 72 |
I | 49 | 01001001 | 73 |
J | 4A | 01001010 | 74 |
K | 4B | 01001011 | 75 |
L | 4C | 01001100 | 76 |
M | 4D | 01001101 | 77 |
N | 4E | 01001110 | 78 |
O | 4F | 01001111 | 79 |
P | 50 | 01010000 | 80 |
Q | 51 | 01010001 | 81 |
R | 52 | 01010010 | 82 |
S | 53 | 01010011 | 83 |
T | 54 | 01010100 | 84 |
U | 55 | 01010101 | 85 |
V | 56 | 01010110 | 86 |
W | 57 | 01010111 | 87 |
X | 58 | 01011000 | 88 |
Y | 59 | 01011001 | 89 |
Z | 5A | 01011010 | 90 |
[ | 5B | 01011011 | 91 |
\ | 5C | 01011100 | 92 |
] | 5D | 01011101 | 93 |
^ | 5E | 01011110 | 94 |
_ | 5F | 01011111 | 95 |
` | 60 | 01100000 | 96 |
a | 61 | 01100001 | 97 |
b | 62 | 01100010 | 98 |
c | 63 | 01100011 | 99 |
d | 64 | 01100100 | 100 |
e | 65 | 01100101 | 101 |
f | 66 | 01100110 | 102 |
g | 67 | 01100111 | 103 |
h | 68 | 01101000 | 104 |
i | 69 | 01101001 | 105 |
j | 6A | 01101010 | 106 |
k | 6B | 01101011 | 107 |
l | 6C | 01101100 | 108 |
m | 6D | 01101101 | 109 |
n | 6E | 01101110 | 110 |
o | 6F | 01101111 | 111 |
p | 70 | 01110000 | 112 |
q | 71 | 01110001 | 113 |
r | 72 | 01110010 | 114 |
s | 73 | 01110011 | 115 |
t | 74 | 01110100 | 116 |
u | 75 | 01110101 | 117 |
v | 76 | 01110110 | 118 |
w | 77 | 01110111 | 119 |
x | 78 | 01111000 | 120 |
y | 79 | 01111001 | 121 |
z | 7A | 01111010 | 122 |
{ | 7B | 01111011 | 123 |
| | 7C | 01111100 | 124 |
} | 7D | 01111101 | 125 |
~ | 7E | 01111110 | 126 |
DEL | 7F | 01111111 | 127 |
31. Degrees,minutes,seconds to decimal degrees
Convert degrees in decimal form, such as GPS coordinates or Longitude and Latitude, to degrees, minutes and seconds (DMS). You can convert degrees, minutes, seconds for both latitude and longitude to decimal degrees. Simply enter the DMS values for lat or both lat and long, than press the convert button.
How to convert degrees,minutes,seconds to decimal degrees
One degree is equal to 60 minutes and equal to 3600 seconds:
1° = 60' = 3600"
One minute is equal to 1/60 degrees:
1' = (1/60)° = 0.01666667°
One second is equal to 1/3600 degrees:
1" = (1/3600)° = 2.77778e-4° = 0.000277778°
For angle with d integer degrees m minutes and s seconds:
d° m' s"
The decimal degrees dd is equal to:
dd = d + m/60 + s/3600
Convert 30 degrees 15 minutes and 50 seconds angle to decimal degrees:
30° 15' 50"
The decimal degrees dd is equal to:
dd = d + m/60 + s/3600 = 30° + 15'/60 + 50"/3600 = 30.263888889°
32. Hex, Decimal, Octal, Binary
Hex / decimal / octal / binary conversion table
Hex | Decimal | Octal | Binary |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
2 | 2 | 2 | 10 |
3 | 3 | 3 | 11 |
4 | 4 | 4 | 100 |
5 | 5 | 5 | 101 |
6 | 6 | 6 | 110 |
7 | 7 | 7 | 111 |
8 | 8 | 10 | 1000 |
9 | 9 | 11 | 1001 |
A | 10 | 12 | 1010 |
B | 11 | 13 | 1011 |
C | 12 | 14 | 1100 |
D | 13 | 15 | 1101 |
E | 14 | 16 | 1110 |
F | 15 | 17 | 1111 |
10 | 16 | 20 | 10000 |
20 | 32 | 40 | 100000 |
40 | 64 | 100 | 1000000 |
80 | 128 | 200 | 10000000 |
100 | 256 | 400 | 100000000 |
200 | 512 | 1000 | 1000000000 |
400 | 1024 | 2000 | 10000000000 |