Online Text to Binary translator
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Text to Binary translator
ASCII text to binary converter.
Enter text and press the Convert button to convert to binary (e.g enter "Example" to get "01000101 01111000 01100001 01101101 01110000 01101100 01100101"):
Convert text into binary. Computers store all characters as numbers stored as binary data. Binary code uses the digits of 0 and 1 (binary numbers) to represent computer instructions or text. Each instruction or symbol gets a bit string assignment. The strings can correspond to instructions, letters, or symbols. In computing, these codes are used for encoding data.This base-2 or binary numeral system is used in mathematics and computer science. The system represents values using just the two symbols. The values in the binary systems are typically called binary numbers.
In digital electronics and more specifically in digital electronic circuits that use logic gates (with values of 0 and 1), computers use the binary system internally. Computer based devices use the binary system as well with this including mobile phones.
You can convert to and from binary and the base-10 system typically used by humans. You can also convert to and from binary and hexadecimal where you need four digits of binary to represent one digit of hex. Converting to and from binary and octal is another possibility. It takes three binary digits to represent an octal digit. Binary 000 is octal digit 0.
Binary to ASCII text converter ►
ASCII text to binary conversion table
ASCII Character |
Binary | Hexadecimal |
NUL | 00000000 | 00 |
SOH | 00000001 | 01 |
STX | 00000010 | 02 |
ETX | 00000011 | 03 |
EOT | 00000100 | 04 |
ENQ | 00000101 | 05 |
ACK | 00000110 | 06 |
BEL | 00000111 | 07 |
BS | 00001000 | 08 |
HT | 00001001 | 09 |
LF | 00001010 | 0A |
VT | 00001011 | 0B |
FF | 00001100 | 0C |
CR | 00001101 | 0D |
SO | 00001110 | 0E |
SI | 00001111 | 0F |
DLE | 00010000 | 10 |
DC1 | 00010001 | 11 |
DC2 | 00010010 | 12 |
DC3 | 00010011 | 13 |
DC4 | 00010100 | 14 |
NAK | 00010101 | 15 |
SYN | 00010110 | 16 |
ETB | 00010111 | 17 |
CAN | 00011000 | 18 |
EM | 00011001 | 19 |
SUB | 00011010 | 1A |
ESC | 00011011 | 1B |
FS | 00011100 | 1C |
GS | 00011101 | 1D |
RS | 00011110 | 1E |
US | 00011111 | 1F |
Space | 00100000 | 20 |
! | 00100001 | 21 |
" | 00100010 | 22 |
# | 00100011 | 23 |
$ | 00100100 | 24 |
% | 00100101 | 25 |
& | 00100110 | 26 |
' | 00100111 | 27 |
( | 00101000 | 28 |
) | 00101001 | 29 |
* | 00101010 | 2A |
+ | 00101011 | 2B |
, | 00101100 | 2C |
- | 00101101 | 2D |
. | 00101110 | 2E |
/ | 00101111 | 2F |
0 | 00110000 | 30 |
1 | 00110001 | 31 |
2 | 00110010 | 32 |
3 | 00110011 | 33 |
4 | 00110100 | 34 |
5 | 00110101 | 35 |
6 | 00110110 | 36 |
7 | 00110111 | 37 |
8 | 00111000 | 38 |
9 | 00111001 | 39 |
: | 00111010 | 3A |
; | 00111011 | 3B |
< | 00111100 | 3C |
= | 00111101 | 3D |
> | 00111110 | 3E |
? | 00111111 | 3F |
@ | 01000000 | 40 |
A | 01000001 | 41 |
B | 01000010 | 42 |
C | 01000011 | 43 |
D | 01000100 | 44 |
E | 01000101 | 45 |
F | 01000110 | 46 |
G | 01000111 | 47 |
H | 01001000 | 48 |
I | 01001001 | 49 |
J | 01001010 | 4A |
K | 01001011 | 4B |
L | 01001100 | 4C |
M | 01001101 | 4D |
N | 01001110 | 4E |
O | 01001111 | 4F |
P | 01010000 | 50 |
Q | 01010001 | 51 |
R | 01010010 | 52 |
S | 01010011 | 53 |
T | 01010100 | 54 |
U | 01010101 | 55 |
V | 01010110 | 56 |
W | 01010111 | 57 |
X | 01011000 | 58 |
Y | 01011001 | 59 |
Z | 01011010 | 5A |
[ | 01011011 | 5B |
\ | 01011100 | 5C |
] | 01011101 | 5D |
^ | 01011110 | 5E |
_ | 01011111 | 5F |
` | 01100000 | 60 |
a | 01100001 | 61 |
b | 01100010 | 62 |
c | 01100011 | 63 |
d | 01100100 | 64 |
e | 01100101 | 65 |
f | 01100110 | 66 |
g | 01100111 | 67 |
h | 01101000 | 68 |
i | 01101001 | 69 |
j | 01101010 | 6A |
k | 01101011 | 6B |
l | 01101100 | 6C |
m | 01101101 | 6D |
n | 01101110 | 6E |
o | 01101111 | 6F |
p | 01110000 | 70 |
q | 01110001 | 71 |
r | 01110010 | 72 |
s | 01110011 | 73 |
t | 01110100 | 74 |
u | 01110101 | 75 |
v | 01110110 | 76 |
w | 01110111 | 77 |
x | 01111000 | 78 |
y | 01111001 | 79 |
z | 01111010 | 7A |
{ | 01111011 | 7B |
| | 01111100 | 7C |
} | 01111101 | 7D |
~ | 01111110 | 7E |
DEL | 01111111 | 7F |
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