Online Decimal to Fraction Conversion Calculator

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Decimal to Fraction Conversion Calculator

Fraction result:

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How to convert decimal to fraction

Conversion degrees

  1. Write the decimal fraction as a fragment of the digits to the right of the decimal duration (numerator) and a power of 10 (denominator).
  2. Find the best not unusual divisor (gcd) of the numerator and the denominator.
  3. Reduce the fraction through dividing the numerator and the denominator with the gcd.

Example #1

Convert zero.32 to fraction:

zero.32 = 32/100

Find the quality common divisor (gcd) of the numerator and the denominator:

gcd(32,100) = 4

Reduce the fraction via dividing the numerator and the denominator with the gcd:

0.32 = (32/4) / (a hundred/4) = eight/25

Example #2

Convert 2.Fifty six to fraction:

2.Fifty six = 2+fifty six/a hundred

Find the fine not unusual divisor (gcd) of the numerator and the denominator:

gcd(56,one hundred) = 4

Reduce the fraction via dividing the numerator and the denominator with the gcd:

2+fifty six/100 = 2 + (fifty six/4) / (100/four) = 2+14/25

Example #3

Convert zero.124 to fraction:

zero.124 = 124/1000

Find the finest not unusual divisor (gcd) of the numerator and the denominator:

gcd(124,a thousand) = 4

Reduce the fraction through manner of dividing the numerator and the denominator with the gcd:

0.124 = (124/4) / (1000/four) = 31/250

How to transform repeating decimal to fraction

Example #1

Convert 0.333333... To fraction:

x = 0.333333...

10x = 3.333333...

10x - x = 9x = three

x = 3/9 = 1/3

Example #2

Convert 0.0565656... To fraction:

x = 0.0565656...

100x = five.6565656...

a hundredx - x = ninety ninex = five.6

990x = 56

x = 56/990 = 28/495

Decimal to fraction conversion table

Decimal Fraction
0.00001 1/100000
0.0001 1/10000
0.001 1/1000
0.01 1/100
0.08333333 1/12
0.09090909 1/11
0.1 1/10
0.11111111 1/9
0.125 1/8
0.14285714 1/7
0.16666667 1/6
0.2 1/5
0.22222222 2/9
0.25 1/4
0.28571429 2/7
0.3 3/10
0.33333333 1/3
0.375 3/8
0.4 2/5
0.42857143 3/7
0.44444444 4/9
0.5 1/2
0.55555555 5/9
0.57142858 4/7
0.6 3/5
0.625 5/8
0.66666667 2/3
0.7 7/10
0.71428571 5/7
0.75 3/4
0.77777778 7/9
0.8 4/5
0.83333333 5/6
0.85714286 6/7
0.875 7/8
0.88888889 8/9
0.9 9/10
1.1 11/10
1.2 6/5
1.25 5/4
1.3 13/10
1.4 7/5
1.5 3/2
1.6 8/5
1.7 17/10
1.75 7/4
1.8 9/5
1.9 19/10
2.5 5/2


Fraction to decimal conversion ►

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