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British thermal units are a measure of heat energy. Specifically, one british thermal unit is equal to the amount of heat energy required to increase the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. They are often used as a way to rate the energy heat producing appliances such furnaces, and to price heating fuels such as natural gas.
The british thermal unit is a US customary unit of energy. British thermal units can be abbreviated as BTU; for example, 1 british thermal unit can be written as 1 BTU.
The joule is the energy equal to the force on an object of one newton at a distance of one meter.One joule is equal to the heat energy dissipated by the current of one ampere through one ohm of resistance for one second.
One joule is also equal to the energy needed to move an electric charge of one coulomb through a potential difference of one volt. In addition, one joule is also equal to the one watt-second.
The joule is the SI derived unit for energy in the metric system. Joules can be abbreviated as J; for example, 1 joule can be written as 1 J.
How to convert BTU (IT) to Joules:
1 BTUIT = 1055.05585262 J
So the energy conversion from BTU to joules is given by the formula:
E(J) = 1055.05585262 ⋅ E(BTU)
British thermal units are a measure of heat energy. Specifically, one british thermal unit is equal to the amount of heat energy required to increase the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. They are often used as a way to rate the energy heat producing appliances such furnaces, and to price heating fuels such as natural gas.
The british thermal unit is a US customary unit of energy. British thermal units can be abbreviated as BTU; for example, 1 british thermal unit can be written as 1 BTU.
One kilojoule is equal to 1,000 joules, which are the energy equal to the force on an object of one newton at a distance of one meter.
The kilojoule is a multiple of the joule, which is the SI derived unit for energy. In the metric system, "kilo" is the prefix for 103. Kilojoules can be abbreviated as kJ; for example, 1 kilojoule can be written as 1 kJ.
How to convert BTU to Kilojoules
How to convert BTU (IT) to kilojoules:
1 BTUIT = 1.05505585262 kJ
E(kJ) = 1.05505585262 ⋅ E(BTU)
For example: when E=0.5 BTU,
E(kJ) = 1.05505585262 ⋅ 0.5 BTU = 0.527528 kJ
British thermal units are a measure of heat energy. Specifically, one british thermal unit is equal to the amount of heat energy required to increase the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. They are often used as a way to rate the energy heat producing appliances such furnaces, and to price heating fuels such as natural gas.
The british thermal unit is a US customary unit of energy. British thermal units can be abbreviated as BTU; for example, 1 british thermal unit can be written as 1 BTU.
A kilowatt-hour is a measure of electrical energy equal to one kilowatt, or 1,000 watts, of power over a one hour period. Kilowatt-hours are a measure of electrical work performed over a period of time, and are often used as a way of measuring energy usage by electric companies.
Kilowatt-hours are usually abbreviated as kWh, although the formally adopted expression is kW·h. The abbreviation kW h is also sometimes used. For example, 1 kilowatt-hour can be written as 1 kWh, 1 kW·h, or 1 kW h. In formal expressions, the centered dot (·) or space is used to separate units used to indicate multiplication in an expression and to avoid conflicting prefixes being misinterpreted as a unit symbol.
How to convert BTU to kWh
How to convert BTU (IT) to kilowatt-hour:
1 BTUIT = 0.00029307107017 kWh
So the energy in kilowatt-hours E(kWh) is equal to 0.00029307107017 times the energy in BTUs E(BTU):
E(kWh) = 0.00029307107017 × E(BTU)
Convert 3000 BTU to kWh:
E(kWh) = 0.00029307107017 × 3000 BTU = 0.879 kWh
One calorie is equal to the heat needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water from 14.5 to 15.5 degrees Celsius. When measuring the energy content in foods, the large calorie, or kilocalorie is used, but it's often still just called a "calorie." When both the calorie and large calorie are used in the same context it is common to refer to the calorie as a "small calorie." Calories can be abbreviated as cal; for example, 1 calorie can be written as 1 cal.
The joule is the energy equal to the force on an object of one newton at a distance of one meter. One joule is equal to the heat energy dissipated by the current of one ampere through one ohm of resistance for one second.
One joule is also equal to the energy needed to move an electric charge of one coulomb through a potential difference of one volt. In addition, one joule is also equal to the one watt-second. The joule is the SI derived unit for energy in the metric system. Joules can be abbreviated as J; for example, 1 joule can be written as 1 J.
Small & large calories
Small calorie (cal) is the energy needed to increase 1 gram of water by 1°C at a pressure of 1 atmosphere.
Large calorie (Cal) is the energy needed to increase 1 kg of water by 1°C at a pressure of 1 atmosphere.
Large calorie is also called food calorie and is used as a unit of food energy.
How to convert from calories to joules
Thermochemical calories to joules
1 calth = 4.184 J
The energy in joules E(J) is equal to 4.184 times the energy in thermochemical calories E(calth):
E(J) = 4.184 × E(calth)
Convert 300 calth to joules.
E(J) = 4.184 × 300calth = 1255.2 J
15°C calories to joules
1 cal15 = 4.1855 J
The energy in joules E(J) is equal to 4.1855 times the energy in 15°C calories E(cal15):
E(J) = 4.1855 × E(cal15)
Convert 300 cal15 to joules.
E(J) = 4.1855 × 300cal15 = 1255.65 J
Large/food calories to joules
1 Cal = 4.184 kJ = 4184 J
The energy in joules E(J) is equal to 4184 times the energy in large/food calories E(Cal):
E(J) = 4184 × E(Cal)
Convert 0.3 Cal to joules.
E(J) = 4184 × 0.3 Cal = 1255.2 J
A calorie (symbol: cal) is a unit of energy defined as the amount of energy required to increase the temperature of one gram of water by one °C. This is referred to as the small calorie or the gram calorie, and is equal to 4.1868 joules, the SI (International System of Units) unit of energy. A large calorie (symbol: Cal), also known as a kilogram calorie (symbol: Cal), is technically a kilocalorie (symbol: kcal), the equivalent of 1000 small calories, but is also sometimes referred to as simply "Calorie." Large calories are usually used for labeling foods, and as such, is known as the food calorie.
Although the calorie can be used with SI, since the official adoption of SI in 1960, the calorie is considered obsolete. Despite this, the large calorie is still widely used as a unit of food energy, alongside, or in place of the SI unit of food energy, the kilojoule. The use of a capital "C" in Calorie is intended to denote the use of kilocalories rather than calories denoting a single calorie. This is not often understood however, resulting in some confusion when foods are only labeled as Calories rather than kilocalories. Calories are also used within scientific contexts, such as chemistry. In these contexts, the term being referenced is most often the small calorie, though measurements are often reported in kilocalories.
A kilocalorie (symbol: kcal or Cal) is a unit of energy defined based on the calorie and is equal to 1000 calories or 4.1868 kilojoules. A calorie (small calorie) is defined as the amount of energy required to increase the temperature of one gram of water by one °C. Kilocalories are also referred to as large calories or food calories, and are sometimes referred to as Calories, which can be ambiguous, and mistaken for the small calorie.
Although the kilocalorie is generally considered an obsolete unit, it is still widely used alongside the SI unit of kilojoule to measure food energy. In countries where SI has not been adopted, such as the US, kilocalories, typically referred to as simply "Calories," are still the preferred measurement of food energy. Kilocalories are also sometimes seen in chemistry.The kilo prefix is based on the SI prefixes, but calories with prefixes beyond the multiple of kilo are not commonly used.
Small & large calories
Small calorie (cal) is the energy needed to increase 1 gram of water by 1°C at a pressure of 1 atmosphere.
Large calorie (Cal) is the energy needed to increase 1 kg of water by 1°C at a pressure of 1 atmosphere.
Large calorie is also called food calorie and is used as a unit of food energy.
How to convert calories to kcal
cal to kcal - small calories to small kilocalories
1 kcal = 1000 cal
The energy in small kilocalories (kcal) is equal to the energy in small calories (cal) divided by 1000:
E(kcal) = E(cal) / 1000
Convert 6000cal to small kcal:
E(kcal) = 6000cal / 1000 = 6 kcal
Cal to kcal - large calories to small kilocalories
1 kcal = 1 Cal
The energy in small kilocalories (kcal) is equal to the energy in large calories (Cal):
E(kcal) = E(Cal)
Convert 6Cal to kcal:
E(kcal) = 6Cal = 6kcal
The joule is the energy equal to the force on an object of one newton at a distance of one meter. One joule is equal to the heat energy dissipated by the current of one ampere through one ohm of resistance for one second.
One joule is also equal to the energy needed to move an electric charge of one coulomb through a potential difference of one volt. In addition, one joule is also equal to the one watt-second.
The joule is the SI derived unit for energy in the metric system. Joules can be abbreviated as J; for example, 1 joule can be written as 1 J.
British thermal units are a measure of heat energy. Specifically, one british thermal unit is equal to the amount of heat energy required to increase the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. They are often used as a way to rate the energy heat producing appliances such furnaces, and to price heating fuels such as natural gas. The british thermal unit is a US customary unit of energy. British thermal units can be abbreviated as BTU; for example, 1 british thermal unit can be written as 1 BTU.
How to convert Joules to BTU
1 J = 0.00094781712 BTUIT
1 BTUIT = 1055.05585262 J
The energy conversion of joules to BTU is given by the formula:
E(BTU) = E(J) / 1055.05585262 = 0.00094781712 ⋅ E(J)
For example: when E=500J,
E(BTU) = 500J / 1055.05585262 = 0.473909 BTU
The joule is the energy equal to the force on an object of one newton at a distance of one meter.[1] One joule is equal to the heat energy dissipated by the current of one ampere through one ohm of resistance for one second. One joule is also equal to the energy needed to move an electric charge of one coulomb through a potential difference of one volt. In addition, one joule is also equal to the one watt-second. The joule is the SI derived unit for energy in the metric system. Joules can be abbreviated as J; for example, 1 joule can be written as 1 J.
One calorie is equal to the heat needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water from 14.5 to 15.5 degrees Celsius. When measuring the energy content in foods, the large calorie, or kilocalorie is used, but it's often still just called a "calorie." When both the calorie and large calorie are used in the same context it is common to refer to the calorie as a "small calorie." Calories can be abbreviated as cal; for example, 1 calorie can be written as 1 cal.
Small & large calories
Small calorie (cal) is the energy needed to increase 1 gram of water by 1°C at a pressure of 1 atmosphere.
Large calorie (Cal) is the energy needed to increase 1 kg of water by 1°C at a pressure of 1 atmosphere.
Large calorie is also called food calorie and is used as a unit of food energy.
How to convert from joules to calories
Joules to thermochemical calories
1 calth = 4.184 J
The energy in thermochemical calories E(calth) is equal to the energy in joules E(J) divided by 4.184:
E(cal) = E(J) / 4.184
Convert 600 joules to thermochemical calories.
E(cal) = 600J / 4.184 = 143.4 calth
Joules to 15°C calories
1 cal15 = 4.1855 J
The energy in 15°C calories E(cal15) is equal to the energy in joules E(J) divided by 4.1855:
E(cal15) = E(J) / 4.1855
Convert 600 joules to 15°C calories.
E (cal15) = 600J / 4.1855 = 143.352 cal15
Joules to large/food calories
1 Cal = 4.184 kJ = 4184 J
The energy in large/food calories E(Cal) is equal to the energy in joules E(J) divided by 4184:
E(Cal) = E(J) / 4184
Convert 600 joules to food calories.
E(Cal) = 600J / 4184 = 0.1434 Cal
The joule is the energy equal to the force on an object of one newton at a distance of one meter. One joule is equal to the heat energy dissipated by the current of one ampere through one ohm of resistance for one second.
One joule is also equal to the energy needed to move an electric charge of one coulomb through a potential difference of one volt. In addition, one joule is also equal to the one watt-second.
The joule is the SI derived unit for energy in the metric system. Joules can be abbreviated as J; for example, 1 joule can be written as 1 J.
One kilojoule is equal to 1,000 joules, which are the energy equal to the force on an object of one newton at a distance of one meter.
The kilojoule is a multiple of the joule, which is the SI derived unit for energy. In the metric system, "kilo" is the prefix for 103. Kilojoules can be abbreviated as kJ; for example, 1 kilojoule can be written as 1 kJ.
How to convert joules to kilojoules
One joule is equal to thousandth of a kilojoule:
1J = 0.001kJ
The energy in kilojoules E(kJ) is equal to the energy in joules E(J) divided by 1000:
E(kJ) = E(J) / 1000
Convert 500 joules to kilojoules.
The energy E in kilojoules (kJ) is equal to 500 joules (J) divided by 1000:
E(kJ) = 500J / 1000 = 0.5kJ
The joule is the energy equal to the force on an object of one newton at a distance of one meter.[1] One joule is equal to the heat energy dissipated by the current of one ampere through one ohm of resistance for one second.
One joule is also equal to the energy needed to move an electric charge of one coulomb through a potential difference of one volt. In addition, one joule is also equal to the one watt-second.
The joule is the SI derived unit for energy in the metric system. Joules can be abbreviated as J; for example, 1 joule can be written as 1 J.
A kilowatt-hour is a measure of electrical energy equal to one kilowatt, or 1,000 watts, of power over a one hour period. Kilowatt-hours are a measure of electrical work performed over a period of time, and are often used as a way of measuring energy usage by electric companies.
Kilowatt-hours are usually abbreviated as kWh, although the formally adopted expression is kW·h. The abbreviation kW h is also sometimes used. For example, 1 kilowatt-hour can be written as 1 kWh, 1 kW·h, or 1 kW h.
In formal expressions, the centered dot (·) or space is used to separate units used to indicate multiplication in an expression and to avoid conflicting prefixes being misinterpreted as a unit symbol.
How to convert joules to kWh
One joule is equal to 2.777778⋅10-7 kilowatt-hours:
1J = 2.777778⋅10-7kWh = (1/3600000)kWh
So the energy in kilowatt-hour E(kWh) is equal to the energy in joules E(J) divided by 3600000:
E(kWh) = E(J) / 3600000 = E(J) ⋅ 2.777778⋅10-7
One calorie is equal to the heat needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water from 14.5 to 15.5 degrees Celsius. When measuring the energy content in foods, the large calorie, or kilocalorie is used, but it's often still just called a "calorie." When both the calorie and large calorie are used in the same context it is common to refer to the calorie as a "small calorie."
Calories can be abbreviated as cal; for example, 1 calorie can be written as 1 cal.
One kilojoule is equal to 1,000 joules, which are the energy equal to the force on an object of one newton at a distance of one meter. The kilojoule is a multiple of the joule, which is the SI derived unit for energy. In the metric system, "kilo" is the prefix for 103. Kilojoules can be abbreviated as kJ; for example, 1 kilojoule can be written as 1 kJ.
Small & large calories
Small calorie (cal) is the energy needed to increase 1 gram of water by 1°C at a pressure of 1 atmosphere.
Large calorie (Cal) is the energy needed to increase 1 kg of water by 1°C at a pressure of 1 atmosphere.
Large calorie is also called food calorie and is used as a unit of food energy.
How to convert from calories to kilojoules
Thermochemical calories to kJ
1 calth = 0.004184 kJ
1 kJ = 239.005736 calth
The energy in kilojoules E(kJ) is equal to the energy in thermochemical calories E(calth) divided by 239.005736:
E(kJ) = E(calth) / 239.005736
Convert 300 calth to kilojoules.
E(kJ) = 300calth / 239.005736 = 1.2552 kJ
15°C calories to kJ
1 cal15 = 0.0041855 kJ
1 kJ = 238.9201 cal15
The energy in kilojoules E(kJ) is equal to the energy in 15°C calories E(cal15) divided by 238.9201:
E(kJ) = E(cal15) / 238.9201
Convert 300 cal15 to kilojoules.
E(kJ) = 300cal15 / 238.9201 = 1.25565 kJ
Large/food calories to kJ
1 Cal = 4.184 kJ
1 kJ = 0.239 Cal
The energy in kilojoules E(kJ) is equal to 4184 times the energy in large/food calories E(Cal):
E(kJ) = 4.184 × E(calth)
Convert 0.3 Cal to kilojoules.
E(kJ) = 4.184 × 0.3 Cal = 1.2552 kJ
Electron volts to giga-electron volts converter on this page calculates how many giga-electron volts are in 'X' electron volts (where 'X' is the number of electron volts to convert to giga-electron volts). In order to convert a value from electron volts to giga-electron volts (from eV to GeV) type the number of eV to be converted to GeV and then click on the 'convert' button.
How to convert eV to GeV
One gigaelectron-volt is equal to 109 electron-volts:
1 GeV = 109 eV
The energy in gigaelectron-volts E(GeV) is equal to the energy in electron-volts E(eV) divided by 109:
E(GeV) = E(eV) / 109 = E(eV) / 1000000000
Convert 5eV to GeV:
E(GeV) = 5eV / 109 = 5×10-9GeV
The electronvolt is a unit of energy used in physics, most commonly in electrostatic particle accelerator sciences.
Electronvolts can be abbreviated as eV; for example, 1 electronvolt can be written as 1 eV.
Energy in electronvolts can be expressed using the following formula: E = qV
The energy E in electronvolts is equal to the electric charge q in elementary charge times the potential difference V in volts.
The joule is the energy equal to the force on an object of one newton at a distance of one meter. One joule is equal to the heat energy dissipated by the current of one ampere through one ohm of resistance for one second.
One joule is also equal to the energy needed to move an electric charge of one coulomb through a potential difference of one volt. In addition, one joule is also equal to the one watt-second. The joule is the SI derived unit for energy in the metric system. Joules can be abbreviated as J; for example, 1 joule can be written as 1 J.
How to convert eV to joules
One electron-volt is equal to 1.602176565⋅10-19 joules:
1eV = 1.602176565e-19 J = 1.602176565⋅10-19 J
So the energy in joules E(J) is equal to the energy in electron-volts E(eV) times 1.602176565⋅10-19:
E(J) = E(eV) × 1.602176565⋅10-19
The electronvolt is a unit of energy used in physics, most commonly in electrostatic particle accelerator sciences.
Electronvolts can be abbreviated as eV; for example, 1 electronvolt can be written as 1 eV.
Energy in electronvolts can be expressed using the following formula: E = qV
The energy E in electronvolts is equal to the electric charge q in elementary charge times the potential difference V in volts.
Kiloelectronvolts can be abbreviated as keV; for example, 1 kiloelectronvolt can be written as 1 keV.
How to convert eV to keV
One electron-volt is equal to thousandth of a kiloelectron-volt:
1eV = 0.001keV
The energy in kiloelectron-volt E(keV) is equal to the energy in electron-volt E(eV) divided by 1000:
E(keV) = E(eV) / 1000
Convert 500eV to keV:
E(keV) = 500eV / 1000 = 0.5keV
The electronvolt is a unit of energy used in physics, most commonly in electrostatic particle accelerator sciences.
Electronvolts can be abbreviated as eV; for example, 1 electronvolt can be written as 1 eV.
Energy in electronvolts can be expressed using the following formula: E = qV
The energy E in electronvolts is equal to the electric charge q in elementary charge times the potential difference V in volts.
Megaelectronvolts can be abbreviated as MeV; for example, 1 megaelectronvolt can be written as 1 MeV.
How to convert eV to MeV
One electron-volt is equal to millionth of a megaelectron-volt:
1eV = 0.000001MeV
The energy in megaelectron-volt E(MeV) is equal to the energy in electron-volt E(eV) divided by 1000000:
E(MeV) = E(eV) / 1000000
Convert 500eV to MeV:
E(MeV) = 500eV / 1000000 = 0.0005MeV
In physics, an electronvolt (symbol eV, also written electron-volt and electron volt) is the amount of kinetic energy gained by a single electron accelerating from rest through an electric potential difference of one volt in vacuum. When used as a unit of energy, the numerical value of 1 eV in joules (symbol J) is equivalent to the numerical value of the charge of an electron in coulombs (symbol C). Under the 2019 redefinition of the SI base units, this sets 1 eV equal to the exact value 1.602176634×10−19 J.
Giga-electron volts to electron volts conversion calculator calculates how many electron volts are in 'X' giga-electron volts (where 'X' is the number of giga-electron volts to convert to electron volts). In order to convert a value from giga-electron volts to electron volts (from GeV to eV) simply type the number of GeV to be converted to eV and then click on the 'convert' button.
How to convert GeV to eV
One gigaelectron-volt is equal to 109 electron-volts:
1 GeV = 109 eV
The energy in electron-volts E(eV) is equal to the energy in gigaelectron-volts E(GeV) times 1000000000:
E(eV) = E(GeV) × 109 = E(GeV) × 1000000000
Convert 5GeV to eV:
E(eV) = 5GeV × 109 = 5×109 eV
The joule is the energy equal to the force on an object of one newton at a distance of one meter. One joule is equal to the heat energy dissipated by the current of one ampere through one ohm of resistance for one second.
One joule is also equal to the energy needed to move an electric charge of one coulomb through a potential difference of one volt. In addition, one joule is also equal to the one watt-second.
The joule is the SI derived unit for energy in the metric system. Joules can be abbreviated as J; for example, 1 joule can be written as 1 J.
The electronvolt is a unit of energy used in physics, most commonly in electrostatic particle accelerator sciences.
Electronvolts can be abbreviated as eV; for example, 1 electronvolt can be written as 1 eV.
Energy in electronvolts can be expressed using the following formula: E = qV
The energy E in electronvolts is equal to the electric charge q in elementary charge times the potential difference V in volts.
How to convert joules to eV
One joule is equal to 6.241509⋅1018 electron-volts:
1J = 6.241509e18 eV = 6.241509⋅1018 eV
So the energy in electron-volts E(eV) is equal to the energy in joules E(J) times 6.241509⋅1018:
E(eV) = E(J) × 6.241509⋅1018
The joule is the energy equal to the force on an object of one newton at a distance of one meter. One joule is equal to the heat energy dissipated by the current of one ampere through one ohm of resistance for one second.
One joule is also equal to the energy needed to move an electric charge of one coulomb through a potential difference of one volt. In addition, one joule is also equal to the one watt-second.
The joule is the SI derived unit for energy in the metric system. Joules can be abbreviated as J; for example, 1 joule can be written as 1 J.
One kilocalorie, is equal to the heat needed to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water from 14.5 to 15.5 degrees Celsius.
Kilocalories can be abbreviated as kcal; for example, 1 kilocalorie can be written as 1 kcal.
When being used to measure nutrition or metabolic processes, the large calorie is used, which is equal to one kilocalorie.
How to convert from joules to kcal
Joules to thermochemical / food kilocalories
1 kcalth = 4184 J
The energy in joules E(J) is equal to the energy in kilocalories E(kcal-th) divided by 4184:
= E(J) / 4184
Convert 5000 joules to kilocalories.
E(kcal) = 5000 J / 4184 = 1.195 kcal
Joules to international kilocalories
1 kcalIT = 4186.8 J
The energy in joules E(J) is equal to the energy in international kilocalories E(kcal-IT) divided by 4186.8:
E(kcal-IT) = E(J) / 4186.8
Convert 5000 joules to kilocalories.
E(kcal-IT) = 5000 J / 4186.8 = 1.194 kcalIT
Joules to 15°C kilocalories
1 kcal15 = 4185.5 J
The energy in joules E(J) is equal to the energy in 15°C kilocalories E(kcal15) divided by 4185.5:
E(kcal15) = E(J) / 4185.5
Convert 5000 joules to kilocalories.
E(kcal15) = 5000 J / 4185.5 = 1.195 kcal15
Joules to 20°C kilocalories
1 kcal20 = 4182 J
The energy in joules E(J) is equal to the energy in 20°C kilocalories E(kcal20) divided by 4182:
E(kcal20) = E(J) / 4182
Convert 5000 joules to kilocalories.
E(kcal20) = 5000 J / 4182 = 1.196 kcal20
One kilocalorie, is equal to the heat needed to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water from 14.5 to 15.5 degrees Celsius. Kilocalories can be abbreviated as kcal; for example, 1 kilocalorie can be written as 1 kcal. When being used to measure nutrition or metabolic processes, the large calorie is used, which is equal to one kilocalorie.
One calorie is equal to the heat needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water from 14.5 to 15.5 degrees Celsius. When measuring the energy content in foods, the large calorie, or kilocalorie is used, but it's often still just called a "calorie." When both the calorie and large calorie are used in the same context it is common to refer to the calorie as a "small calorie." Calories can be abbreviated as cal; for example, 1 calorie can be written as 1 cal.
Small & large calories
Small calorie (cal) is the energy needed to increase 1 gram of water by 1°C at a pressure of 1 atmosphere.
Large calorie (Cal) is the energy needed to increase 1 kg of water by 1°C at a pressure of 1 atmosphere.
Large calorie is also called food calorie and is used as a unit of food energy.
How to convert kcal to calories
kcal to cal - small kilocalories to small calories
1 kcal = 1000 cal
The energy in small calories (cal) is equal to 1000 times the energy in small kilocalories (kcal):
E(cal) = 1000 × E(kcal)
Convert 6kcal to small calories:
E(cal) = 1000 × 6kcal = 6000 cal
kcal to Cal - small kilocalories to large calories
1 Cal = 1 kcal
The energy in large calories (Cal) is equal to the energy in small kilocalories (kcal):
E(Cal) = E(kcal)
Convert 6 kcal to large calories:
E(Cal) = 6 kcal = 6 Cal
One kilojoule is equal to 1,000 joules, which are the energy equal to the force on an object of one newton at a distance of one meter.
The kilojoule is a multiple of the joule, which is the SI derived unit for energy. In the metric system, "kilo" is the prefix for 103. Kilojoules can be abbreviated as kJ; for example, 1 kilojoule can be written as 1 kJ.
British thermal units are a measure of heat energy. Specifically, one british thermal unit is equal to the amount of heat energy required to increase the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. They are often used as a way to rate the energy heat producing appliances such furnaces, and to price heating fuels such as natural gas.
The british thermal unit is a US customary unit of energy. British thermal units can be abbreviated as BTU; for example, 1 british thermal unit can be written as 1 BTU.
How to convert Kilojoules to BTU
1 kJ = 0.94781712 BTU(IT)
1 BTU(IT) = 1.05505585262 kJ
The energy E(BTU) in BTUs is equal to 0.94781712 times the energy E(kJ) in kilojoules (kJ):
E(BTU) = E(kJ) / 1.05505585262 = 0.94781712 ⋅ E(kJ)
For example: when E=0.5kJ,
E(BTU) = 0.5kJ / 1.05505585262 = 0.473909 BTU
One kilojoule is equal to 1,000 joules, which are the energy equal to the force on an object of one newton at a distance of one meter.
The kilojoule is a multiple of the joule, which is the SI derived unit for energy. In the metric system, "kilo" is the prefix for 103. Kilojoules can be abbreviated as kJ; for example, 1 kilojoule can be written as 1 kJ.
The joule is the energy equal to the force on an object of one newton at a distance of one meter. One joule is equal to the heat energy dissipated by the current of one ampere through one ohm of resistance for one second.
One joule is also equal to the energy needed to move an electric charge of one coulomb through a potential difference of one volt. In addition, one joule is also equal to the one watt-second.
The joule is the SI derived unit for energy in the metric system. Joules can be abbreviated as J; for example, 1 joule can be written as 1 J.
How to convert kilojoules to joules
One kilojoules is equal to 1000 joules:
1kJ = 1000J
The energy E(J) in joules (J) is equal to the energy E(kJ) in kilojoules times 1000:
E(J) = E(kJ) × 1000
Convert 3 kilojoules to joules.
The energy E in joules (J) is equal to 3 kilojoules times 1000:
E(J) = 3kJ × 1000 = 3000J
A kilowatt-hour is a measure of electrical energy equal to one kilowatt, or 1,000 watts, of power over a one hour period. Kilowatt-hours are a measure of electrical work performed over a period of time, and are often used as a way of measuring energy usage by electric companies.
Kilowatt-hours are usually abbreviated as kWh, although the formally adopted expression is kW·h. The abbreviation kW h is also sometimes used. For example, 1 kilowatt-hour can be written as 1 kWh, 1 kW·h, or 1 kW h.
In formal expressions, the centered dot (·) or space is used to separate units used to indicate multiplication in an expression and to avoid conflicting prefixes being misinterpreted as a unit symbol.
British thermal units are a measure of heat energy. Specifically, one british thermal unit is equal to the amount of heat energy required to increase the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. They are often used as a way to rate the energy heat producing appliances such furnaces, and to price heating fuels such as natural gas.
The british thermal unit is a US customary unit of energy. British thermal units can be abbreviated as BTU; for example, 1 british thermal unit can be written as 1 BTU.
How to convert kWh to BTU
1 kWh = 3412.14163312794 BTUIT
So the energy in BTUs E(BTU) is equal to 3412.1416.. times the energy in kilowatt-hour E(kWh):
E(BTU) = 3412.14163312794 × E(kWh)
Convert 5 kWh to BTU:
E(BTU) = 3412.14163312794 × 5 kWh = 17060.708 BTU
A kilowatt-hour is a measure of electrical energy equal to one kilowatt, or 1,000 watts, of power over a one hour period. Kilowatt-hours are a measure of electrical work performed over a period of time, and are often used as a way of measuring energy usage by electric companies.
Kilowatt-hours are usually abbreviated as kWh, although the formally adopted expression is kW·h. The abbreviation kW h is also sometimes used. For example, 1 kilowatt-hour can be written as 1 kWh, 1 kW·h, or 1 kW h.
In formal expressions, the centered dot (·) or space is used to separate units used to indicate multiplication in an expression and to avoid conflicting prefixes being misinterpreted as a unit symbol.
The joule is the energy equal to the force on an object of one newton at a distance of one meter. One joule is equal to the heat energy dissipated by the current of one ampere through one ohm of resistance for one second.
One joule is also equal to the energy needed to move an electric charge of one coulomb through a potential difference of one volt. In addition, one joule is also equal to the one watt-second.
The joule is the SI derived unit for energy in the metric system. Joules can be abbreviated as J; for example, 1 joule can be written as 1 J.
How to convert kWh to joules
One kilowatt-hour is equal to 3600000 joules:
1kWh = 3600000J = 3.6⋅106J = 3.6MJ
So the energy in joules E(J)
is equal to 3600000 times the energy in kilowatt-hour E(kWh):
E(J) = 3600000 ⋅ E(kWh)
One kilocalorie, is equal to the heat needed to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water from 14.5 to 15.5 degrees Celsius.
Kilocalories can be abbreviated as kcal; for example, 1 kilocalorie can be written as 1 kcal.
When being used to measure nutrition or metabolic processes, the large calorie is used, which is equal to one kilocalorie.
The joule is the energy equal to the force on an object of one newton at a distance of one meter. One joule is equal to the heat energy dissipated by the current of one ampere through one ohm of resistance for one second.
One joule is also equal to the energy needed to move an electric charge of one coulomb through a potential difference of one volt. In addition, one joule is also equal to the one watt-second.
The joule is the SI derived unit for energy in the metric system. Joules can be abbreviated as J; for example, 1 joule can be written as 1 J.
How to convert from kcal to joules
Thermochemical / food kilocalories to joules
1 kcalth = 4184 J
The energy in joules E(J) is equal to 4184 times the energy in thermochemical / food kilocalories E(kcal):
E(J) = 4184 × E(kcal-th)
Convert 0.3 kcalth to joules.
= 4184 × 0.3 kcalth = 1255.2 J
International kilocalories to joules
1 kcalIT
= 4186.8 J
The energy in joules E(J) is equal to 4186.8 times the energy in international kilocalories E(kcal-IT):
E(J) = 4186.8 × E(kcal-IT)
Convert 0.3 kcalIT to joules.
E(J) = 4186.8 × 0.3kcalIT = 1256.04 J
15°C kilocalories to joules
1 kcal15 = 4185.5 J
The energy in joules E(J) is equal to 4185.5 times the energy in 15°C kilocalories E(kcal15)
E(J) = 4185.5 × E(kcal15)
Convert 0.3 kcal15
to joules.
E(J) = 4185.5 × 0.3kcal15 = 1255.65 J
20°C kilocalories to joules
1 kcal20 = 4182 J
The energy in joules E(J) is equal to 4182 times the energy in 20°C kilocalories E(kcal20):
E(J) = 4182 × E(kcal20)
Convert 0.3 kcal20 to joules.
E(J) = 4182 × 0.3kcal20 = 1254.6 J
One kilocalorie, is equal to the heat needed to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water from 14.5 to 15.5 degrees Celsius.
Kilocalories can be abbreviated as kcal; for example, 1 kilocalorie can be written as 1 kcal.
When being used to measure nutrition or metabolic processes, the large calorie is used, which is equal to one kilocalorie.
One kilojoule is equal to 1,000 joules, which are the energy equal to the force on an object of one newton at a distance of one meter.
The kilojoule is a multiple of the joule, which is the SI derived unit for energy. In the metric system, "kilo" is the prefix for 103. Kilojoules can be abbreviated as kJ; for example, 1 kilojoule can be written as 1 kJ.
How to convert from kcal to kilojoules
Thermochemical / food kilocalories to kilojoules
1 kcalth = 4.184 kJ
The energy in kilojoules E(kJ) is equal to 4.184 times the energy in thermochecmical / food kilocalories E(kcal):
E(kJ) = 4.184 × E(kcal-th)
Convert 0.3 kcalth to kilojoules.
E(kJ) = 4.184 × 0.3 kcalth = 1.2552 kJ
International kilocalories to kilojoules
1 kcalIT = 4.1868 kJ
The energy in kilojoules E(kJ) is equal to 4.1868 times the energy in international kilocalories E(kcal-IT):
E(kJ) = 4.1868 × E(kcal-IT)
Convert 0.3 kcalIT to kilojoules.
E(kJ) = 4.1868 × 0.3kcalIT = 1.25604 kJ
15°C kilocalories to kilojoules
1 kcal15 = 4.1855 kJ
The energy in kilojoules E(kJ) is equal to 4.1855 times the energy in 15°C kilocalories E(kcal15):
E(kJ) = 4.1855 × E(kcal15)
Convert 0.3 kcal15 to kilojoules.
= 4.1855 × 0.3kcal15 = 1.25565 kJ
20°C kilocalories to kilojoules
1 cal20 = 4.182 kJ
The energy in kilojoules E(kJ) is equal to 4.182 times the energy in 20°C kilocalories E(kcal20):
E(kJ) = 4.182 × E(kcal20)
Convert 0.3 kcal20
to kilojoules.
E(kJ) = 4.182 × 0.3kcal20 = 1.2546 kJ
Kiloelectronvolts can be abbreviated as keV; for example, 1 kiloelectronvolt can be written as 1 keV.
The electronvolt is a unit of energy used in physics, most commonly in electrostatic particle accelerator sciences.
Electronvolts can be abbreviated as eV; for example, 1 electronvolt can be written as 1 eV.
Energy in electronvolts can be expressed using the following formula: E = qV
The energy E in electronvolts is equal to the electric charge q in elementary charge times the potential difference V in volts.
How to convert keV to eV
One kiloelectron-volt is equal to 1000 electron-volts:
1keV = 1000eV
The energy in electron-volts E(eV) is equal to the energy in kiloelectron-volts E(keV) times 1000:
= E(keV) × 1000
Convert 5keV to eV:
E(eV) = 5keV × 1000 = 5000eV
One kilojoule is equal to 1,000 joules, which are the energy equal to the force on an object of one newton at a distance of one meter.
The kilojoule is a multiple of the joule, which is the SI derived unit for energy. In the metric system, "kilo" is the prefix for 103. Kilojoules can be abbreviated as kJ; for example, 1 kilojoule can be written as 1 kJ.
One calorie is equal to the heat needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water from 14.5 to 15.5 degrees Celsius.
When measuring the energy content in foods, the large calorie, or kilocalorie is used, but it's often still just called a "calorie." When both the calorie and large calorie are used in the same context it is common to refer to the calorie as a "small calorie."
Calories can be abbreviated as cal; for example, 1 calorie can be written as 1 cal.
Small & large calories
Small calorie (cal) is the energy needed to increase 1 gram of water by 1°C at a pressure of 1 atmosphere.
Large calorie (Cal) is the energy needed to increase 1 kg of water by 1°C at a pressure of 1 atmosphere.
Large calorie is also called food calorie and is used as a unit of food energy.
How to convert from kilojoules to calories
Kilojoules to thermochemical calories
1 calth = 0.004184 kJ
1 kJ = 239.0057 calth
The energy in thermochemical calories E(calth) is equal to the energy in kilojoules E(kJ) times 239.0057:
E(cal) = E(kJ) × 239.0057
Convert 0.6 kilojoules to thermochemical calories.
E(cal) = 0.6kJ × 239.0057 = 143.4 calth
Kilojoules to 15°C calories
1 cal15 = 0.0041855 kJ
1 kJ = 238.9201 cal15
The energy in 15°C calories E(cal15) is equal to the energy in kilojoules E(kJ) times 238.9201:
E(cal15) = E(kJ) × 238.9201
Convert 0.6 kilojoules to 15°C calories.
E(cal15) = 0.6kJ × 238.9201 = 143.352 cal15
Kilojoules to large/food calories
1 Cal = 4.184 kJ
1 kJ = 0.239 Cal
The energy in large/food calories E(Cal) is equal to the energy in kilojoules E(kJ) times 0.239:
E(Cal) = E(kJ) × 0.239
Convert 0.6 kilojoules to food calories.
E(Cal) = 0.6kJ × 0.239 = 0.1434 Cal
One kilojoule is equal to 1,000 joules, which are the energy equal to the force on an object of one newton at a distance of one meter.
The kilojoule is a multiple of the joule, which is the SI derived unit for energy. In the metric system, "kilo" is the prefix for 103. Kilojoules can be abbreviated as kJ; for example, 1 kilojoule can be written as 1 kJ.
One kilocalorie, is equal to the heat needed to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water from 14.5 to 15.5 degrees Celsius.
Kilocalories can be abbreviated as kcal; for example, 1 kilocalorie can be written as 1 kcal.
When being used to measure nutrition or metabolic processes, the large calorie is used, which is equal to one kilocalorie.
How to convert from kilojoules to kcal
Kilojoules to thermochemical / food kilocalories
1 kcalth = 4.184 kJ
The energy in kilocalories E(kcal-th) is equal to the energy in kilojoules E(kJ) divided by 4.184:
E(kcal) = E(kJ) / 4.184
Convert 5 kilojoules to kilocalories.
E(kcal) = 5 kJ / 4.184 = 1.195 kcal
Kilojoules to international kilocalories
1 kcalIT = 4.1868 kJ
The energy in international kilocalories E(kcal-IT) is equal to the energy in kilojoules E(kJ) divided by 4.1868:
E(kcal-IT) = E(kJ) / 4.1868
Convert 5 kilojoules to kilocalories.
E(kcal-IT) = 5 kJ / 4.1868 = 1.194 kcalIT
Kilojoules to 15°C kilocalories
1 kcal15 = 4.1855 kJ
The energy in 15°C kilocalories E(kcal15) is equal to the energy in kilojoules E(kJ) divided by 4.1855:
E(kcal15) = E(kJ) / 4.1855
Convert 5 kilojoules to kilocalories.
E(kcal15) = 5 kJ / 4.1855 = 1.195 kcal15
Kilojoules to 20°C kilocalories
1 kcal20 = 4.182 kJ
The energy in 20°C kilocalories E(kcal20) is equal to the energy in kilojoules E(kJ) divided by 4.182:
E(kcal20) = E(kJ) / 4.182
Convert 5 kilojoules to kilocalories.
E(kcal20) = 5 kJ / 4.182 = 1.196 kcal20
Megaelectronvolts can be abbreviated as MeV; for example, 1 megaelectronvolt can be written as 1 MeV.
The electronvolt is a unit of energy used in physics, most commonly in electrostatic particle accelerator sciences.
Electronvolts can be abbreviated as eV; for example, 1 electronvolt can be written as 1 eV.
Energy in electronvolts can be expressed using the following formula: E = qV
The energy E in electronvolts is equal to the electric charge q in elementary charge times the potential difference V in volts.
How to convert MeV to eV
One megaelectron-volt is equal to 1000000 electron-volts:
1MeV = 1000000eV
The energy in electron-volts E(eV) is equal to the energy in megaelectron-volts E(MeV) times 1000000:
E(eV) = E(MeV) × 1000000
Convert 5MeV to eV:
E(eV) = 5MeV × 1000000 = 5000000eV