Online Radicals and Roots calculator

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Radicals and Roots Calculator

Online radicals and roots calculator. Calculate the n-th root of x.

The n-th root of x is:

nx = r

Enter the root degree (n) and number (x) and press the  =  button:


Roots Calculator

This adding machine will find the given foundation of genuine numbers.If you need to find the extreme quantities of any nᵗʰ degree revolutionary, then this extreme mini-computer is only for you.


The fourth base of 81, or 81 revolutionary 3, is composed as 4√81=±3.

The third root, or 3D square root, of 8 is composed as 3√8=2

The third base of - 27, or - 27 revolutionary 3, or the 3D square foundation of - 27 is composed as 3√−27=−3.

The fifth base of 1024, or 1024 revolutionary 5, is composed as 5√1024=4.

Revolutionary definition

as a rule, the extreme capability is a base of a number x for which we utilize the extreme image ⁿ√, with the superscript n portraying the level of the root. The extreme definition is:

rⁿ = x,

and therefore:

r = x1/n,

where r is the aftereffect of the extremist. Thus, as such, radicalization is the contrary activity to exponentiation, for which the example is a small portion. To make composing the extremists more straightforward, we utilize the extreme documentation:

r = ⁿ√x,

which implies exactly the same thing as the above equation.

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