Online Power Factor calculator

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Power Factor calculator

Power factor calculator. Calaculate power factor, apparent power, reactive power and correction capacitor's capacitance.

This calculator is for educational purposes.

Phase #:  
Real power in kilowatts: kW
Current in amps: A
Voltage in volts: V
Frequency in hertz: Hz
Corrected power factor:  
Power factor result:  
Apparent power: kVA
Reactive power: kVAR
Correction capacitor: µF

The strength aspect rectification capacitor need to be related in covered up with every degree load.

The energy difficulty estimation does not recognize riding and slacking power elements.

The power aspect revision computation accepts inductive load.

Single degree circuit calculation

Power elementcos φ1000 × P(kW)/(V(V) &instances; I(A))

Apparent energyS(kVA)times; I(A)/a thousand

Reactive energy2 - P(kW)2)

Power component rectification capacitor's capacitance calculation:

Scorrected (kVA) = P(kW)/PFcorrected

Qcorrected (kVAR) = √(Scorrected (kVA)2 - P(kW)2)

Qc (kVAR) = Q(kVAR) - Qcorrected (kVAR)

C(F) = 1000 × Qc (kVAR) / (2πf(Hz)&instances;V(V)2)

Three degree circuit calculation

For three stage with adjusted loads:

Calculation with line to line voltage

Power issuecos φ1000 &instances; P(kW)/(three &instances; VL-L(V) &instances; I(A))

Apparent electricityS(kVA)three × VL-L(V) × I(A)/one thousand

Reactive strength2 - P(kW)2)

Power thing adjustment capacitor's capacitance calculation:

Qc (kVAR) = Q(kVAR) - Qcorrected (kVAR)

C(F) = a thousand &instances; Qc (kVAR) / (2πf(Hz)&instances;VL-L(V)2)

Calculation with line to nonpartisan voltage

Power thing = a thousand &instances; P(kW)/(3 × VL-N(V) × I(A))

Apparent energy = 3 &instances; VL-N(V) × I(A)/1000

Reactive strength calculation:

Q(kVAR) = √(element adjustment capacitor's capacitance calculation:

Qc (kVAR) = Q(kVAR) - Qcorrected (kVAR)

C(F) = 1000 × Qc (kVAR)/(three×2πf(Hz)×VL-N(V)2)

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